An ugly duckling can become a beautiful swan, without a nip or a tuck.
Say No To The Knife is an empowering, feel-good, anti-cosmetic surgery show which aims to persuade young people, committed to the idea of going under the knife, that a real alternative can be found by embarking on a journey of self discovery. A psychologist and a stylist follow contributors’ emotional journeys from the moment they are about to sign up for surgery to the moment they are confronted with their new image, without having undergone a nip or tuck. With the assistance of top hair, fashion and make-up artists, the contestants will hopefully have their minds and looks dramatically transformed without going under the knife. Along the way, the team discuss how he or she can make the most of what they have and make an informed choice. At the end the contestants reveal their decision. Will they submit to surgery and walk through the ‘Yes Door’ or embrace the alternative and choose the ‘No Door’? It’s a show full of genuine surprises, right to the end.